
Methadone, Dolophine (methadone) dosing, indications, interactions, Side effects, and more

What Is Methadone? Buy Methadone Online is part of a category of drugs called opioids. German doctors created it during World War II. When it came to the United States, doctors used it to treat people with extreme pain. Today, you might also get it as part of a treatment program for an addiction to heroin or narcotic painkillers. Even though it’s safer than some other narcotics, your doctor should keep a close watch while you take methadone. Taking it can lead to addiction or abuse. How is it used? The Victorian pharmacotherapy program uses the syrup form of Order Methadone online . There are 2 brands of this liquid: Methadone Syrup® and Biodone Forte®.3 Generally, there are 2 types of methadone programs: Maintenance (long-term programs): May last for months or years, and aim to reduce the harms associated with drug use and improve quality of life. Withdrawal (short-term detoxification programs): Run for approximately 5-14 days and aim to ease the discomfort of stopping the use of he